2020 4DN Annual Meeting
Held virtually on Zoom
December 2-4, 2020
Here are some essential information for attendees to prepare your presentations:
Presentation Time
Each research center and project will be allocated 10 minutes of time. (8 minutes presentation, 2 minutes for Q and A). The organizational hub (OH) and data coordination center (DCIC) will each present for 20 minutes including Q and A. The 10-minute presentation time will be strictly enforced in order to accommodate everyone. Please be mindful of your time.
Each team please designate a single presenter to minimize risks of interruption of transition between speakers.
You want to take this opportunity to announce and describe your project goals and approaches and introduce your team.
A Collaboration Slide
Each team please include a slide in your presentation proposing collaboration idea(s). The ideas are to be shared in the spirit of brainstorming rather than as concrete plans.
Required Slide Upload
Please upload your presentation slides to this Google Drive under your team/project’s respective folder by 11:59 pm December 1, 2020. We need your slides by this deadline to make sure that we have backup slides for you, in the case of any unexpected reasons you may not be able to show the slides from your computer when you present.
Organizational Hub (OH) contact information
For questions regarding the meeting, please email Kate Rivera-Noel at annualmeeting@4dnucleome.org.
SpatialChat Tutoriol
Several rooms on SpatialChat will be available throughout the meeting for networking opportunity. Please check out here a 3 mins video tutorial on how to use it.